实惠版纳线路旅游行程美化长图详情页 (编号:80339)
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- 作品参数:
- 总 页 数:7页
- 实际像素:2481像素×3507像素
- 分辨率:300
- 打印像素:210毫米×297毫米
- 说明:
- >the outside world is very exciting, and beautiful surprises are waiting. please don't linger anymore, open your arms and legs and move forward. get close to nature and go outdoors, listen to the chirping of birds and the sounds of nature, feel comfortable and at ease. let's travel together, relax and enjoy life!,xishuangbanna ,实,惠,版,纳,去一趟西双版纳
做一天傣族在逃公主,xishuangbanna ,实,惠,版,纳,入住 ruzhu,◎商务住宿标准,康禾怡/伟宏/振华瑞翔,business accommodation ,◎准五住宿标准,南洋丽呈睿轩/千喜东方/尘羽/航瑞/海逸/汇城/一景夕/万豪/蒂尔曼/云上巴朵或同级,business accommodation ,◎国际连锁酒店,戴斯温德姆
景洪华美达或同级,business accommodation ,it is the first international brand hotel in nujiang. the hotel is built with elegant, exquisite, concise, and
generous elements that integrate the lisu ethnic group,全程四晚不挪窝 避免收行李烦恼,三种标准选择 请根据需求和价格选择,yunnanlvyou,直飞西双版纳4晚5日实惠游,xishuangbanna,去一趟西双版纳
做一天傣族在逃公主,xishuangbanna ,实,惠,版,纳,告庄西双景,星光夜市,4a花卉园,六国水上夜市,4a原始森林,勐泐文化园,4a野象谷,景点jingdian,it is the first international brand hotel in nujiang. the hotel is built with elegant, exquisite, concise, and
generous elements that integrate the lisu ethnic group,精选景点 遇见神奇版纳,4a野象谷/4a原始森林/4a勐泐文化园/4a花卉园
做一天傣族在逃公主,xishuangbanna ,实,惠,版,纳,精彩旅途,selected attractions,嗨玩haiwan,it is the first international brand hotel in nujiang. the hotel is built with elegant, exquisite, concise, and
generous elements that integrate the lisu ethnic group,多种玩法,嗨游版纳,●傣族泼水狂欢 ●喂大象
●看孔雀飞舞 ●了解傣族姑娘的故事,yuananlvyou,直飞西双版纳4晚5日实惠游,xishuangbanna,去一趟西双版纳
做一天傣族在逃公主,xishuangbanna ,实,惠,版,纳,安全,15年驾龄老司机给你保驾护航;,贴心,每人每天一瓶矿泉水,客服24小时在线处理问题.,行程速览 xingcheng,yunnanlvyou,sri lanka 6 days 5 nights,行程速览,01,第一天,各地-西双版纳嘎洒机场,不含餐,景洪,02,第二天,野象谷—热带花卉园,早/中,景洪,03,第三天,南糯山(茶山)—原始森林公园,早/中,景洪,04,第四天,傣家村寨-勐泐文化园·泼水活动-告庄星空夜市-六国水上集市,早/中/晚,景洪,/,05,第五天,西双版纳嘎洒机场-各地,早,直飞西双版纳4晚5日实惠游,xishuangbanna,去一趟西双版纳
做一天傣族在逃公主,xishuangbanna ,实,惠,版,纳,打卡美食时光,孔雀宴是以孔雀作为宴席造型,所有美食按照圆形摆开,再放上栩栩如生的孔雀模型,仿佛孔雀开屏,是傣族人民最高级别的待客宴席。,版纳孔雀宴,punch in for food time,美食 food,yunnanlvyou,it is the first international brand hotel in nujiang. the hotel is built with elegant, exquisite, concise, and
generous elements that integrate the lisu ethnic group,臻选美味 一品傣式风味,品尝版纳傣味,孔雀宴,直飞西双版纳4晚5日实惠游,直飞西双版纳4晚5日实惠游,xishuangbanna,去一趟西双版纳
做一天傣族在逃公主,xishuangbanna ,实,惠,版,纳,
- 设计师: fgh