0购王牌对王牌旅游行程美化长图 (编号:81055)
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- 作品参数:
- 总 页 数:4页
- 实际像素:2480像素×3508像素
- 分辨率:300
- 打印像素:210毫米×297毫米
- 说明:
- >高性价比,高端游,★ 三亚品牌五星标准酒店海景房
★ 国际品牌希尔顿格芮精选酒店,..................................................,stay at the ace hotel,宿王牌酒店,★蜈支洲岛★南山★槟榔谷★亚龙湾沙滩,玩王牌景点,play ace attraction,..................................................,赠送黎峒篝火,赠送海边旅拍,a 海旅免税城+直升机兜风+豪华游艇出海
b 海旅免税城+亚特水世界或水族馆,一天玩爆款线(a或b),play the popular line in one day (a or b),......................................................................................................,★龙鲍海鲜餐
★黎家五味特色餐,吃地道美食,eat authentic food,..........................................................,ace to ace,开启一场,三亚往返,接机 等待,0,超乎想象的旅行,(2选1),升级1晚,海旅免税城,sea travel duty free city,感受海淘自贸港全球好物的快乐,feel the joy of shopping for good things from all over the world in the free trade port,乘坐直升机体验,helicopter ride,乘坐直升机去兜风,这种感觉特别飒~,taking a helicopter for a ride, this feeling is particularly sassy~,打卡梦幻水上王国,感受刺激心跳,亚特水世界,check in to the dream water kingdom
and feel the thrill of your heartbeat,化身海洋探险家,与神秘海底不期而遇,亚特水族馆,become an ocean explorer and
encounter the mysterious seabed,yate water world or aquarium (choose 1 of 2),亚特水世界或水族馆(2选1),豪华大游艇出海,luxury yachts go to sea,踏上大游艇,驶向蔚蓝大海
挣脱陆地的束缚,在波涛中享受自由,step aboard a big yacht and sail out into the blue sea
break free from the shackles of land and enjoy freedom in the waves,一天玩爆款线(a或b),海旅免税城+直升机+豪华游艇出海,a,海旅免税城+亚特水世界或水族馆(2选1),b,线,线,stay at the ace hotel,stay at the ace hotel,住王牌酒店,三亚凤凰岛度假酒店,三亚金莎海景酒店,三亚湾福朋喜来登,sanya brand five-star standard hotel,三亚品牌五星标准酒店,三亚崖州湾希尔顿格芮精选酒店,海南清水湾温德姆度假酒店,香水湾富力万豪度假酒店,升级1晚国际品牌酒店,upgrade to an international brand hotel for 1 night,以上酒店仅供参考,具体以实际入住为准,play ace attraction,play ace attraction,蜈支洲岛,潜水圣地,山海如画
堪称度假的理想天堂,diving mecca, picturesque mountains and seas
it's the perfect paradise for a holiday,wuzhizhou,南山,聆听梵音,远离尘世喧嚣
心灵在佛光和山海之间寻得安宁,listen to sanskrit sounds and get away from the hustle and bustle of the world
the soul finds peace between the light of the buddha and the mountains and the sea,nanshan,槟榔谷,(赠送电瓶车),走进黎苗文化大观园
沉浸民族风情与自然美景的魅力交融,walk into the li miao cultural grand view park
immerse yourself in the charm of ethnic customs and natural beauty,binglanggu,亚龙湾沙滩,一段悠闲时光的专属地
打卡“天下第一湾”的海浪轻吟,an exclusive place for a relaxing time
check in at the waves of "the world's first bay".,yalong bay,赠送黎峒篝火,感受不一样的黎族蹦迪派对,赠送海边旅拍,用镜头定格美好回忆,eat authentic food,eat authentic food,龙鲍海鲜餐&黎家五味特色餐,玩王牌景点,吃地道美食,
- 设计师: gf